Commodore Raimo Rytöhonka presents prizes to Eugen Byman, Charlie Richardsson and Hans Kieslich at the autumn meeting of the Vaasa Motor Boat Club, 1967. Image: Rafael Olin. SLS/Rafael Olins fotosamling

Our awards

Each year we recognise authors, researchers, artists, and students, among others.

Karl Emil Tollander Award

The largest award, the Karl Emil Tollander award, is handed out at the SLS Annual Celebration on 5 February. The Karl Emil Tollander Award is given for a literary or scientific lifetime achievement and is our main award. It is also one of the largest literary awards in the Nordic region, with prize money of €45,000. The Tollander Award was first awarded in 1913.

State Councillor Mauritz Hallberg Award

Since 1920, the Mauritz Hallberg Award has been awarded annually on 16 May to an outstanding researcher for a scientific work in Swedish.

Student Award

We annually award the best performances in the matriculation exam in the subject’s mother tongue, history and social studies in Swedish-speaking schools in Finland and for the best performance in the subject A-Swedish in Finnish-speaking schools.

Master’s Award

We annually award the best master’s theses in subjects related to our activities.

Our awardees

Here you can find all our awardees from 2018 onwards