Pulling arm hook, 1931. Image: Maximilian Stejskal. SLS/Idrottslekar

Project funding

Who can apply

Researchers within the fields of humanities and social sciences can apply for project funding. The projects must be linked to the Swedish language and the Swedish cultural heritage in Finland.

When we assess proposals for research funding, we place emphasis on whether the research will result in openly accessible digital material, openly accessible digital research methods and openly accessible research results. We follow the principle: “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”.

Research projects

Projects can be interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary. They must be based on scientific research with the aim of creating new knowledge. Funding can be applied for 1–4 years for a minimum of 100 000 Euros and a maximum of 600 000 Euros.

Project groups or individual researchers with at least a doctoral degree can apply for funding for research projects. Doctoral students can apply for project funding if their thesis has been pre-reviewed and approved by the pre-reviewers.

In project groups, it is desirable that the project researchers are at different stages of their academic career. 

The project leader must have at least a doctoral degree and be affiliated with a university, other higher education institution or research institute in Finland. A project leader may lead only one project. A researcher may only participate in one project application per call.

Outline projects

The aim of an outline project is to make an in-depth analysis and summary of existing research, but projects may also partly consist of new research. The result is usually a review work. Funding is available for 14 years.

Funding for outline projects can only be applied for by a research team. 

The project leader must have at least a doctoral degree and be affiliated with a university, other higher education institution or research institute in Finland. A project leader may lead only one project. A researcher may only participate in one project application per call.

How does the funding work?

A university, other higher education institution, or research institute in Finland will be the employer of the project leader. Funding will be granted to the university, other higher education institution, or research institute stated by the project leader in the application. The researchers in the project may be affiliated with other universities, other higher education institutions or research institutes in Finland or in other countries.

For outline projects, SLS can be the employer.

When to apply

The application deadline for research projects is in March. Application deadlines for outline projects are announced separately. 

The application is a two-step process: a shorter application and project plan is submitted in step 1, after which shortlisting takes place. The shortlisted projects are invited to submit a longer project plan and more complete application in step 2.

How to apply

The project leader logs into the SLS electronic application system as an organisation (university, other higher education institution, or research institute). When the application round is open, you can read the application form via the ‘Förhandsvisa ansökningsformulär’ function (Preview application form) before starting to fill in the application.

Step 1

The application must include a project description in Swedish (maximum 9,000 characters including spaces), a description of the project’s relevance to the Swedish language and the Swedish cultural heritage in Finland (maximum 2,000 characters including spaces) and an estimate of the budget.

Mandatory for the project leader. The curriculum vitae must comply with the principles of the Template for a researcher’s curriculum vitae provided by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK.

Mandatory for the project leader.

The list is drawn up in accordance with the Research Council of Finland’s guidelines; see Guidelines for complete list of publications.

Step 2

The research/project plan consists of the following parts: purpose, goals and current state of research, problem definition and research questions, research methods, research material, how the research relates to the Swedish language and the Swedish cultural heritage in Finland, work plan and timetable, research team, cooperation, expected results, ethical review and risk assessment.

The project plan must be written in Swedish or English.

Attach a separate publication plan to the application.

Any costs for open access publishing must be considered in the budget.

SLS does not grant funding for publishing in hybrid journals.

Mandatory for the project leader. The curriculum vitae must comply with the principles of the Template for a researcher’s curriculum vitae provided by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK.

Mandatory for all researchers in the project.

The list is drawn up in accordance with the Research Council of Finland’s guidelines; see Guidelines for complete list of publications.

We do not accept written recommendations in connection with the application, but you can provide the names of people who can say something about your project if necessary.

Consider any costs related to data management in the budget. Projects that are granted funding will be required to draw up a data management plan.

What happens to the application?

We notify all applicants by email. We do not justify or comment on positive or negative decisions.

The shortlisting of step 1 projects is done by our Research Council at the end of April.

The projects that proceed to step 2 must submit a detailed project plan in June. The plans are evaluated by external and independent evaluators or a panel. Based on the evaluation, the Research Committee makes a proposal for funding to our Scholarly Board. The project leader receives an extract of the evaluators’ or panel’s statements after the Scholarly Board has made its decision, which takes place in October or November.

Do you have any questions?

Contact Head of Research Christer Kuvaja, christer.kuvaja@sls.fi.

Apply here

Apply for project funding at